Key Dates
Budget Unveiling
Public Budget Document Unveiled
The City will provide a document outlining proposed projects and service priorities laid out in the Proposed 2019 5 Year Financial Plan.
(Now available on the City’s website and in the Documents section of the Budget page)
Public Budget Consultation
The City of Prince Rupert seeks feedback on our proposed annual budget each year at a public Council meeting. This is an additional opportunity that accompanies our online engagement. Results of our online engagement will also be shared at the meeting.
Come out and provide input to Council and City staff via electronic voting on-site, as well as online or via text for those not in attendance, but viewing the meeting at home.
To vote online in real time, you have three options:
1.) Go to to respond directly from your browser;
2.) Text to 37607 with the response code provided in the presentation;
3.) Tweet to @poll with the response code provided in the presentation;
**Please note - polling will only be open during the duration of the public engagement session, and will close directly after.
2nd Public Budget Consultation
To watch the public meeting from the comfort of your home, you can access the live stream online at or on Cable Channel 10. To vote online in real time, you have three options: 1.) Go to to respond directly from your browser; 2.) Text to 37607 with the response code provided in the presentation; 3.) Tweet to @poll with the response code provided in the presentation; **Please note - polling will only be open during the duration of the public engagement session, and will close directly after.