The City of Prince Rupert is completing a study to make our streets safer for walking and rolling. Over the pas few months, the City and the planning team at Urban Systems have been completing an assessment of its existing road and sidewalk network. This assessment will help the City plan for future infrastructure and policy improvements that were recommended in Connect Rupert, our recently-completed transportation plan.

During this time, we will be engaging with community members to understand where people are walking and what challenges currently exist when walking throughout Prince Rupert. Your input will help the City to identify priorities and opportunities to make walking a more attractive transportation option for more residents.

  • An online survey (see below), available from May 27 to June 17, 2024; and
  • A community open house will be held May 29, 2024, at The Jim Ciccone Civic Center from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

This study is being completed as part of the Complete Communities Program, funded by the Province of B.C. Ministry of Housing and will build on the City’s existing plans, including Connect Rupert, Rupert Plays (Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces Plan), the Asset Management and Infrastructure Replacement Strategy, and the new Official Community Plan.

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The Connect Rupert: Complete Communities Survey has now concluded

The Connect Rupert Community Survey #2 has now concluded

The Connect Rupert: Community Survey #1 has now concluded


Quick poll

Quick Poll

How do you typically travel in Prince Rupert?

This poll has concluded.

Total Votes: 24